Care Teams | Emergency Chaplaincy Switzerland (CES)

... sees itself as an instrument of networking, promotion and further training for the various Care Teams in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Usually, these teams are called up via emergency call points of the emergency services (police, ambulance, fire brigade) in emergency and disaster situations and provide psycho-social first aid to those affected (victims, relatives, participants, helpers).

CES is particularly active in two areas:

1. For the care organisations, it provides a nationwide umbrella and pivoting function in terms of information, exchange of experience and networking. To this end, it maintains an Internet platform with a portal to the various authorities and organisations involved in CARE.

2. Within the framework of the care organisations, it represents and promotes the integration of emergency pastoral and thus religious or spiritual aspects in training and work. As part of a multidisciplinary emergency aid it understands emergency chaplaincy as a partnership and supplement to emergency psychology.

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